Datalayer builder is the tool which helps to create Datalayer codes for multiple analytics solutions
like Adobe Analytics, Google Analytics, etc. It automatically creates the codes for you based on the values
you provide without having to worry about syntax errors. You can check the other benefits on our home page.
This tool currently supports web tagging for Adobe
Analytics / Google Analytics and android / iOS
tagging for Google Analytics.
I have created the entire UI from scratch with more focus on functionality rather than the look
but I am constantly working on improving it.
The codes that you create using datalayer builder stay in the browser itself. They are only stored
in your system’s local storage so that you can use them later. No data is stored anywhere outside
your system.
I would be happy to schedule a demo for you and your team. Please reach out on to request a demo.
You can fill your suggestions, queries or ideas in the feedback form or write to me at
I will definitely look at it and send you a thanks.
You can contribute on the project on github page or write to me at in case you are looking for a collaboration. You can also connect with me
on Linkedin.